Reducing production times for transformer cores

As in all industries, the production of transformer cores for power and distribution transformers is subject to the requirement to reduce production times and thereby costs. In order to further increase the efficiency of transformers, there is also a need for high levels of repeatability and high precision.

With its automatic stacking systems, Güdel is supplying a reliable and efficient solution. At the same time, Güdel systems also have a high level of flexibility and can be adapted to specific customer requirements. Güdel's core stacking systems are suitable for small and large distribution transformers with a side length of 0.5m to more than 10 m.

The system is also flexible in terms of the sheets to be stacked. The sheets, with or without holes, can be positioned with a high degree of accuracy. For sheets with holes, the "pin on gripper" function and the camera on the gripper for hole recognition are crucial for a precise stacking process. Sheets without holes are pre-centered on a centering table and then placed on the appropriate stack.

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It is possible to intervene at any point in the stacking process. This also includes stopping and continuing the stacking process at any point with the one-step function.

The software in the core stacking system offers a range of useful functions. For example, each time a sheet is picked up, its thickness is measured and recorded. At the same time, the height of the core is measured in a freely programmable sequence. Core data can be downloaded directly from the network or accessed from the control panel. The logbook function collects all measurement and edited data. Layers with one, two or several sheets, steps, cycles, sheet widths and many more are freely programmable, as are stops for the manual insertion of sheet insulation and cooling ducts. In the event of a malfunction, the system is immediately stopped and all of the details are promptly displayed and recorded. The remote support and diagnosis function connect the stacking system directly with Güdel service specialists all around the world, if desired.

Güdel's robot or gantry-based core stacking systems demonstrate once again the company's extensive experience in robotics and automation. Thanks to the modular system, all systems are scalable and cover the entire range of transformer core sizes.

The sophisticated technology makes transformer core production processes efficient and streamlined. Its durability, reliability and precision impress across the board.

We have put together a short video for business partners and interested parties, in which the function and working method of a system is demonstrated and explained.

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Public Relations
Güdel Group AG

+41 62 916 91 91

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